15:00 BST 16 August 2020 by Zoom online video link


1.   Minutes of AGM 2019 as published in Newsletter 98 November 2019, and matters arising.
2.  Nomination of Honorary Officers and Members of the Powys Society Committee for the year 2020-21. 
3.  Hon. Chairman’s Report. 
4.  Hon. Treasurer’s Report and presentation of annual accounts for year ended 31 December 2019.
5.  Collection Liaison Manager’s Report.
6.  Hon. Secretary’s Report.
7.  Powys Journal.
8.  Publication of e-books.
9.  Powys Society and social media.
10.  Development of Powys Society website and matters relating to Powys Journal on JSTOR.
11. Date and venue of conference 2021.
12. AOB

  Chris Thomas, Hon Secretary